[mensaje recibido en scalae, literal]
I hope you are well and enjoying the summer of 2014! It will be great to hear from you and see you if you visit New York. Please send me your news and updates.
I’m writing to you about my recent work in Architecture and Online Education. Last fall I launched my new company Open Online Academy (OOAc.org). Since then, I completed the first two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in Architecture ever: Contemporary Architecture with 27,000 participants, and Designing Resilient Schools with 5,000 participants. The success and global impact of these courses were beyond my expectations and led me many new opportunities, and collaborations with great people and organizations.
Last week, I launched the platform OOEd.org (Open Online Education) with our 6 MOOCs in Architecture, Art and Design. The platform is built on Open edX software and with the support of our friends from edX (Harvard+MIT). We will add more courses in leadership, negotiation, and management in the fall of 2014. Our mission is to build a better world through online education and design.
The first two courses on OOEd.org, starting on June 30, 2014, are the Contemporary Architecture (version 1.2) and Designing Emergency Shelters. The new version of the Contemporary Architecture MOOC will feature updated videos; new interviews and readings to offer you an even better learning experience. The course analyzes some of the most influential buildings and architects of our time.
The Designing Emergency Shelters course will be dedicated to post-disaster shelters for war and climate migrants. We will focus on the problem of temporary habitat for people affected by civil wars, and natural disasters, designing temporary shelters, which will be built after the course in different parts of the world. Architects, engineers, designers, social and humanitarian workers, and people from all other professions with interests in the topic are welcome to join us:
The other 4 courses on OOEd, starting in September 2014, are:
“Frank Lloyd Wright and the 20th Century” by John Lobell
“Designing Resilient Schools” by Ivan Shumkov, Arnold Rivera, and Illac Diaz
“Introduction to GIS and Mapping” (in Spanish) by Maria Ramos Sanz from UNAUS Barcelona
“Understanding Contemporary Art” by John David Ebert
All the courses on OOEd will be free and open to the public. People who complete the course will be eligible for the OOAc credentials, references, and paid certificates. We are also planning a premium service for course participants who would like to get more real-time interaction, personal mentoring, and grading from the professors. In the next months, OOAc will announce new courses and two programs in “Sustainable and Resilient Architecture” and “History and Theory of Architecture”.
Please join our courses on OOEd and invite your friends and colleagues to do so. You can email me at ivan@OOAc.org, with your comments and questions regarding OOEd.org and our new online courses.
I look forward to your news and wish you a great summer!
All the Best,
President HAUS-A