[scalae, text collage with BSI SAA information]
The purpose of the BSI Swiss ArchitecturalAward is to recognise and raise the public profile of architects from all over the world who, through their work, have made a significant contribution to contemporary architecture, in particular by demonstrating environmental awareness and thus helping to improve the quality of life of humankind. Any architect aged under 50 in the year in which the Award is launched, of any nationality, may enter, provided that they have designed at least three significant works that meet the aims of the competition.
On November 13, 2008, Solano Benitez (Paraguay) was announced as the winner of the first BSI Swiss Architectural Award.
Architect Diébédo Francis Kéré (Burkina Faso/Germany) was named the winner of the second BSI Swiss Architectural Award. 2010
Studio Mumbai, Mumbai (India) Winner of the third edition of BSI Swiss Architectural Award.2012
José María Sánchez García (Spain) Winner of th fourth edition of BSI SAA. 2014
Candidates for the fourth edition of BSI SAA. 2014:
1. Boyd Cody Architects
2. Arno Brandlhuber
3. Tom de Paor
4. Anne Feenstra
5. Toni Gironès
6. Hall Mc Knight
7. Go Hasegawa
8. Akihisa Hirata
9. Höweler + Yoon Architecture
10. Hollmen Reuter Sandman
11. Kumiko Inui
12. Johnstonmarklee
13. Carla Juaçaba
14. Lassila Hirvilammi OOPEAA
15. LTL Architects
16. MAP Magnani Pelzel Associati
17. Onishimaki + Yakudayuki Architects
18. Sameep Padora
19. Smiljan Radic
20. Camilo Restrepo Ochoa
21. Rintala Eggertsson Architects
22. Mauricio Rocha
23. Sergison Bates Architects
24. Studio Weave
25. TYIN Tegnestue Architects
26. Raphael Zuber
Jury composition:
Mario Botta. Architect. Mendrisio (Switzerland). Chairman
Alberto Campo Baeza. Architect. Madrid (Spain). Member
Marc Collomb. Architect, dean of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. Lausanne and Mendrisio (Switzerland). Member
Charles Kleiber. President of the BSI Architectural Foundation. Lausanne (Switzerland). Member
Bruno Reichlin. Architect and architectural historian. Mendrisio (Switzerland), Paris (France). Member
Nicola Navone. Vice Director Archivio del Moderno. Mendrisio (Switzerland). Secretary
José Maria Sánchez García:
José Maria Sánchez García was born in Don Benito (Badajoz, Spain) in 1975 and graduated in 2002 at the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), where he is nowadays associate professor in architecture. In 2006 he establishes his own studio in Madrid.
His work has been awarded the first prize in the AR+D Architectural Review Awards for Emerging Architecture (2009), the Design Vanguard 2009 Award, the IX European Prize for Architecture Philippe Rotthier (2011), the first prize for Young Architects at the XI BEAU – Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism and by the VII Iberoamerican Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, shortlisted in the X Contractworld Award 2010, in the Zumtobel Group Award 2012 and in the Mies van der Rohe Award 2013.
His work has been widely published, nationally and internationally, in periodical such “Arquitectura Viva”, “2G”, “Casabella”, “Abitare”, “The Architectural Review”, “Detail”, “Architektur Aktuell”, “Azure”, “Future”, “A+U”.
He has been invited at the Cornell University in New York, held lectures and conferences at the RIBA-Royal Institute of British Architects and in several universities, in Spain and abroad; in 2007-2008 received a scholarship from the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome.
Among his works: Environment of the Roman temple of Diana in Merida (Spain, 2005-2008); Sports Innovation Centre “The Ring”, Guijo de Granadilla, Cáceres (Spain, 2008-2009); Rowing Centre, Alange (Spain, 2008-2010); Hostelry of tourism in the Castillo de la Luna en Alburquerque, Badajoz and in the Convento de San Juan de Dios in Olivenza, Badajoz (Spain, under construction).