Etiqueta: Xevi Bayona

2014 FAD Temporary Interventions prize finalists

official list & jury comments · lista oficial con comentarios del jurado · llista oficial amb comentaris del jurat 17 de mayo de 2014 [FAD official note, somehow edited…]Temporary InterventionsFAD prize 2014 list of finalists & jury comments (ENG, CAT, ESP)Jury: Ramon Sanabria (president), Ángela García de Paredes, Marcos Catalán, Francesc Belart, Ricardo Bak Gordon and Esther Brosa. The FAD awards were created in 1958 with the aimo of promoting the avant-gard tendencies of the time and to acknowledge high quality works in the new paths and investigations that were opening up and transforming the traditional forms and languajes of design. Since 2006 five branches of conceptually different kind of works  are eligible to receive awards: architecture, interior design, temporary interventions, thought and criticism, and city & landscape.Arquinfad is the interdisciplinary design association of the FAD (Foment de les Arts i el Diseny = Fostering Arts & Design). It is an independent, non-profit, cultural association created as an umbrella organisation to support all professionals and institutions engaged in spatial work, in the broadest sense. Architects and designers were involved from the start, and the association has more recently welcomed new professionals from highly specialised disciplines such as set or lighting design and the design of ephemeral spaces…ref: FAD & ARQUIN-FAD21 Between silence and light. Barcelona, Authors: Michela Mezzavilla, Roberto Eleuteri. pict: Roberto Eleuteri“This transformation of an urban space is achieved by making use of an essential resource to relate, with...

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Expo y catálogo de los Premios de Arquitectura 2013 de las comarcas de Girona

Expo abierta hasta el 7 de marzo en Vic, catálogo disponible en pdf 25 de febrero de 2014 [Nota COAC] Hasta el 7 de marzo es posible visitar la exposición de la edición 16 de los Premios de Arquitectura de las Comarcas de Girona 2013, en la sala de exposiciones de la delegación de Osona, del Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya (COAC). La muestra, comisariada por el arquitecto Xavier Bayona, recoge los diecisiete proyectos que han sido seleccionados este año, junto con el Premio Jurado de la Industria y el Premio Jurado de la cultura 2013. Así, entre las...

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Consejo Editorial Industrial 2025

Activismo Editorial en Arquitectura

Consejo Editorial Industrial 2025

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