Fernanda Canales


Ciudad de México, 1974
Doctora Cum Laude en Arquitectura por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), con Maestría de la Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona (UPC), y Arquitecta de la Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA). Ha recibido reconocimientos como el premio Emerging Voices del Architectural League of New York y su trabajo ha sido expuesto en el Royal Academy of the Arts en Londres y en ifa Gallery en Stuttgart (2019), el Museo de Arte Moderno en San Francisco (2018), Gallatin Gallery de NYU de Nueva York (2018), la Bienal de Venecia (2021, 2014, 2012 y 2006), y las Bienales de arquitectura de Sao Paulo (2011 y 2005) y Rotterdam (2005).
Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores del FONCA-CONACULTA y recibió la Beca de Jóvenes Creadores de CONACULTA en 2004. Es autora de los libros: Mi casa, tu ciudad. Privacidad en un mundo compartido (Puente Editores, Barcelona, 2021), Estructuras compartidas, espacios privados (Actar, Barcelona, 2020), Vivienda colectiva en México, El derecho a la arquitectura (Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2017), y Arquitectura en México 1900-2010, La construcción de la modernidad (Arquine, México, 2013).
Su obra y ensayos han sido publicados en diversos medios como: Architectural Record, El Croquis, El País, The Architectural Review, Baumeister, Bawelt, Casabella, Letras Libres, Praxis, Arquitectura Viva, Wallpaper, Domus, Abitare, Dezeen, ArchDaily y Arquine, entre otros. 
Ha sido profesora visitante en Princeton School of Architecture, Yale School of Architecture, Architectural Association en Londres y la Universidad Iberoamericana en Ciudad de México, y ha participado en los cursos de Maestrías y Talleres en el ITAM, la UNAM, CIDE y ETSAB en Barcelona. Ha sido jurado en concursos arquitectónicos internacionales y fue Delegada de la Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo y jurado de la misma.

Mexico City, 1974

twitter: @fernandacanale
facebook: @fernandacanale
instagram: fernandacanales_arquitectura


Fernanda Canales is an architect based in Mexico City committed to design, urban planning and research. She holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, an MA from the Universidad Politecnica de Cataunya in Barcelona and a BA from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Canales has been distinguished with several international awards, such as the Emerging Voices Award from The Architectural League of New York. She was named one of the world’s “100+ Best Architecture Firms” by the architecture magazine DOMUS and was recognized by The New York Times as one of the 10 female figures changing the landscape of leadership in the world.
Fernanda is author of the books Shared Structures, Private Space (Actar 2020), Architecture in Mexico 1900-2010 (Arquine, 2013), Mi casa, tu ciudad (Puente Editores 2021) and Vivienda Colectiva en México (Gustavo Gili, 2017).
Her work has been exhibited at The Royal Academy of Arts in London, the ifa-Gallery in Stuttgart and and the Venice Biennale, among other institutions.

She has been Visiting Faculty member at Princeton School of Architecture (Fall 2021) and was the Louis I. Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor of Architectural Design at Yale School of Architecture (Fall 2019), as well as guest speaker at MIT, the Architectural Association in London, Columbia University in New York and Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Canales has published more than 100 essays in specialized magazines such as AA Files, El Croquis, Prespecta, Baumeister, Bawelt, Arquitectura Viva and Domus.
She received the Career Award and the Best Young Architect Award in Mexico (2014, Colegio de Arquitectos de México), the fellowship of the National System of Creators in Mexico (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2012), and a grant from Fundación Arte Contemporáneo Jumex. She has received The Masterprize Award, WAN Awards, The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture Award, the IIDA Design Award, and the Best of Design Awards by the Architects Newspaper. She has been part of the jury of important international architecture competitions and is an emerit member of the Academia Nacional de Arquitectura de Mexico.