Resultados de búsqueda para: Ivan Shumkov

Ivan Shumkov

Biografía: Ivan Shumkov is a New York based architect, professor, scholar and curator. He is a pioneer in online education and founder of Open Online Academy (OOAc), where he also teaches architectural design, history and theory. He graduated with masters degrees from ETSA Barcelona, University of Florence, and Harvard University GSD, as a Fulbright scholar. He completed his PhD in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Columbia University GSAPP, as fellow of the Fondation Le Corbusier. Dr. Shumkov has taught at Harvard University GSD, Pratt Institute School of Architecture, Parsons the New School for Design, International University of Catalonia, and ETSA Barcelona. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Harvard Alumni Association and President of Harvard Architectural and Urban Society Alumni. Dr. Shumkov is a licensed architect in Spain and Italy and principal of ISA – Ivan Shumkov Architects, a company working in the fields of architecture, urbanism, landscape and design with offices in New York and Barcelona. He has worked, lectured and exhibited his projects and research in Europe, Brazil, Colombia, China, and the USA.   Education 2009 PhD in Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain 2008-10 PhD and Post-doctoral Visiting Scholar, Columbia University GSAPP, USA 2008 March II, Master in Architecture II, Harvard University GSD, Cambridge, USA 2006 DEA, Diploma of Advanced Studies, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain 2004 Laurea cum Laude in Architecture, Licensed Arch., University...

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Join Open Online Academy and the Open Online Education – from

The platform (Open Online Education) includes 6 MOOCs in Architecture, Art and Design. The platform is built on Open edX software and with the support of the people from edX (Harvard+MIT) 20 de junio de 2014 [mensaje recibido en scalae, literal]Dear Friends and Colleagues,I hope you are well and enjoying the summer of 2014! It will be great to hear from you and see you if you visit New York. Please send me your news and updates.I’m writing to you about my recent work in Architecture and Online Education. Last fall I launched my new company Open Online Academy ( Since then, I completed the first two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in Architecture ever: Contemporary Architecture with 27,000 participants, and Designing Resilient Schools with 5,000 participants. The success and global impact of these courses were beyond my expectations and led me many new opportunities, and collaborations with great people and organizations.   Last week, I launched the platform (Open Online Education) with our 6 MOOCs in Architecture, Art and Design. The platform is built on Open edX software and with the support of our friends from edX (Harvard+MIT). We will add more courses in leadership, negotiation, and management in the fall of 2014. Our mission is to build a better world through online education and design.The first two courses on, starting on June 30, 2014, are the Contemporary Architecture (version...

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AGENDA: Barcelona, Taller: ‘Taller Vertical’

17 de noviembre de 2008 25SET08. Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura (ESARQ) de la UIC. Barcelona_qué: Taller: ‘Taller Vertical’_cuándo: del jueves 25 de septiembre al viernes 3 de octubre de 2008_dónde: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura (ESARQ). Immaculada, 22. 08017 Barcelona_más: Taller Vertical es un workshop que se realiza durante la primera semana del curso y en el que todos los alumnos de segundo a quinto de la Esarq y, por primera vez en esta edición, también se pueden inscribir alumnos de otras universidades se mezclan para realizar un ejercicio rápido de arquitectura.El tema de este año es: “Jocs en un lloc” (juegos en un lugar). El ejercicio consistirá en diseñar, realizar y utilizar un juego en un sistio. El mismo taller será un juego en el que diferentes equipos competirán por el premio Taller Vertical.Los directores del Taller Vertical son Carme Pinós y Carlos Ferrater.DIRECTORES TALLER VERTICALCarmen PinósCarlos FerraterJURADO INTERNACIONALManuel Aires MateusMathias KlotzSUBDIRECTORES TALLER VERTICALAlberto PeñínSamuel ClemenzDIRECTORES TALLER HORIZONTALManel ArenasMiquel LacastaCOORDINADORESBorja FerraterEsther RovirasEQUIPO DE PROFESORES1. Jordi Roviras – Cristina Castelao2. José Zabala Rojí – Sergi Serrat Guillén3. Manuel Blanco Longueira – Cristian Suau4. Alexis Cogul Lleonart – Ivan Torres5. Jonatan Arnabat – Francisco Cifuentes6. Estel Ortega – Joan Vitòria7. Ivan Shumkov – Esther Roselló8. Marc Binefa – Jaume Canals9. Néstor Montenegro -Ignacio Toribio10. Montserrat Puig – Miquel MoraguesCONFERENCIANTES INVITADOS(por determinar: 1 antropólogo, 1 científico y 1 inventor)Ref.Taller Vertical []Fuente: Centro...

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Activismo Editorial en Arquitectura

Consejo Editorial Industrial 2025

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